Learn more about the EHS Chapters – our collaboration partners across Europe.
The European Hernia Society (EHS) is dedicated to fostering strong collaboration among organisations all over Europe, with a focus on enhancing hernia patients’ quality of life. Rooted in the core value of bringing diverse organisations together, the majority of EHS initiatives involve cooperation with surgeons across Europe, European surgery organisations, and international partners.
At present, EHS collaborates with 26 non-profit organisations across Europe, offering a broad and locally grounded perspective on hernia surgery in the region.
EHS partner organisations fall into three categories:
Different characteristics and benefits apply to each partner category. The widest-ranging level of collaboration exists with the EHS Chapters, through the annual EHS Chapter’s Board meeting. (see list below). The close relationship between the EHS and the EHS Chapters is a key principle of vital importance to the EHS, allowing the flow of knowledge between the EHS and its Chapters, to the benefit of patients across Europe.
Abdominal Wall Chapter of the Portuguese Surgical Society
Capitulo da Parede Abdominal da Sociedade Portuguesa Cirurgia
Members: 1270
The Coordinator of the Abdominal Wall Chapter: Eva Barbosa
Education on the abdominal wall surgery, either residents or specialists. Build a strong unit among surgeons, inspiring young future generations
Our main activities:
2023 had the annual meting with the EHS endorsement “It was just a hernia”, with focus on complications, in 2024 had the abdominal wall round table at the national congress with the themes of umbilical hernia and the cirrhotic patient and incisional hernia in the emergency.
Preparing the residents anual course on simples hernias, the next year anual meting and next year round meting at the national congress, build a strong national hernia registry, updating the site on the guidelines, work on the references centers, bring inspiring newsletters to all surgeons, make surveys on hernia surgery state in Portugal, publishing on social media important data or information (Facebook – Hernia Portugal, whatsapp group of GREPA – national wide Portuguese abdominal wall surgeons)
Österreichische Herniengesellschaft (ÖHG)
Members: 80
Promoting hernia surgery in every way. Best possible care for patients with hernias, scientific and educational activities, conference organization.
20-21.03.2025 Austrian Hernia Days
Belgian Society for Abdominal Wall Surgery
Members: 19
a. Principal
The Section aims to improve the quality of the surgery of the entire abdominal wall in Belgium. The Section aims to represent surgeons from Belgium with a specific interest in abdominal wall surgery.
Members of the Board will be delegated to establish and maintain relations with Belgian, European or other national and international organisations, societies, and councils.
b. Scientific objectives.
The scientific objectives of the Section are to improve knowledge of abdominal wall surgery in Belgium.
Scientific meetings and workshops will be organised either for all members or for working groups. Scientific meetings of the Section will be organised in the context of the scientific program of the Belgian Royal Society for Surgery, including the Belgian Week of Surgery.
The Section will organise and support clinical or experimental studies in the field of abdominal wall surgery, following the rules specified in the appendix.
All scientific projects organised in the name of the Section and their results must be submitted to and approved by the scientific committee, before national or international presentation or publication.
Any Ordinary member can submit a scientific project to the board of the Section. The rules in the appendix have to be respected, as well as for publications or presentations of a study project in name of the Section.
c. Extra-scientific objectives
Improved quality of abdominal wall surgery will be based on increasing knowledge and skills as well as on continuous survey and audit of training and practice.
The Section will make efforts to improve training in abdominal wall surgery and to develop evidence-based guidelines.
The Section will contribute to the survey (audit) of abdominal wall surgery in Belgium. These efforts will be performed in close collaboration with all councils, boards, and governmental organisations already involved or having information.
Yearly Belgian Hernia Day
Yearly Hernia Cadaver Labs for trainees
Scientific research and studies (Unite study NCT04437043; Belgian Hernia Database,…)
British Hernia Society
Members: 400
Our aim is to promote safe, effective and high quality hernia surgery throughout the U.K, with a new UK Hernia registry to be launched in 2023.
Promote hernia as a specialty in the UK, provide grants for young enterprise, encourage research in the field of hernia surgery, contribute to science and education through collaboration with EHS and wider Hernia fraternity.
Czech Hernia Society / Česká Herniologická Společnost
Members: 79 NM + 4 EHS
The Czech Hernia Society was established by a group of surgeons, who are interested in herniology and abdominal wall surgery. The main goal is to present the hernia surgery as a specialized brach of general surgery. The society collects suregons, who would like to treat and operate hernias and abdominal wall deefects according to the actual knowledge and guidelines published by the EHS.
The CHS started the Hernia Basic project as a school project, mostly for young surgeons. The main goal is to teach residents the advanced anatomy and physiology of abdominal wall and the standardized techniques, how to operate umbilical, inguinal and mid-line hernias.
Our main activities:
The main activities of The Czech Hernia Society are now the preparations for the 6th Czech Hernia Conference, whitch will be associated with next Hernia Basic course.
The society also supports several single-topic workshops regarding hernia surgery.
The organizers of Hernia Basic are preparing advanced course, concerning advanced techniques and treatment of recurent, giant and complicated hernias.
The society participates on preparations of the 2023 EHS annual meeting that will be held in Prague.
Danish Hernia Database – Dansk Herniedatabase
Members: 110
Our main activities: Monitor and secure complete national data in the Danish Hernia Database, perform and publish research based on the data from the Database, provide feedback to Danish surgeons regarding quality of hernia surgery in Denmark, monitor new trends and techniques and compare results with previous ones.
Members: 84
Bob Bloemendaal, Tammo de Vries Reilingh, Willem Zwaans, Sebastiaan van Steensel, Joris Harlaar, Eva Deerenberg, Martijn Möllers, Anandi Schiphorst
To bring together Dutch hernia surgeons, to train surgical trainees, to organize courses on hernia surgery and to support reserach in the field of abdominal wall hernia.
Our main activities:
TAR-course 4th november 2024
– Training surgical trainees
– Organize courses for (complex) abdominal wall surgery
– Support hernia research
Finnish Hernia Society – Suomen Herniayhdistys
Members: Finnish Digestive Surgeons: 400
French Hernia Society – Chapitre Français de l’EHS-GREPA
Members: 250
Our main activities:
Organizing learning and training activities
Organizing meeting to gather the best experts and the community
Scientific updates and reviews
Selecting study cases
Maintaining a registry
German Hernia Society – Deutsche Herniengesellschaft
Members: 1043 (*01.03.2020)
Delegate contact: juttaschulz@t-online.de
The German Hernia Society is a society for interested and dedicated hernia surgeons.
Main Goal is a better treatment of our patients with :
The German Hernia Society is part of an international network.
Our main activities:
Hellenic Hernia Association
Members: 124
Our main activities:
Hungarian Work Group for Abdominal Wall Surgery
Our main activities:
Italian Society of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery
Delegate contact: info@cecongressi.it
Our main activities:
Lithuanian Hernia Society
Lietuvos Išvaržų Chirurgijos Draugija (LICHD)
Year of foundation: 2019
Board members: Aiste Riktere, Jonas Jurgaitis, Gintaras Pikunas, Arvydas Kleiva, Saulius Bulovas
Contact: lichd2019@gmail.com
Our main activities:
Asociaón Española de Cirujanos – National Spanish Association of Surgenos
Our main activities:
Promotion and maintenance of the Spanish Register of Abdominal Wall Surgery (EVEREG) (Incisional, inguinal, prevention). Patient centred research.
Norsk Brokkirurgisk Forening
Year of foundation: 2021
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1352298518124455
Board members: Tina Gaarder, Signe Røstad, Kari Erichsen, Per Even Storli, Knut Borch
Portuguese Hernia and Abdominal Wall Society / Sociedade Portuguesa de Hérnia e Parede Abdominal
Our main activities:
Clubul Roman de Hernie
Members: 42
Our main activities:
Section of Herniology of Polish Surgical Assotiation – Sekcja Przepuklin Towarzystwa ChirurgówPolskich
Members: 155
Serbian Hernia Society
Our main activities:
Herniološko Združenje Slovenije
Members: 70
Promoting high Quality hernia Surgery in Slovenia
Our main activities:
Kongress preparation (Guest Filip Muysoms)
SIKT – Svensk förening för innovativ kirurgisk tekonologi
Members: Members of the Swedish Association for Innovative Surgical Technology: 230
We focus on the education of surgeons, help keeping surgeons up to date with, and stimulate development in, hernia surgery, and to use an evaluate innovative technology.
Current main activities:
Preparing for our part of the program for Swedish surgical week.
Schweizerische Arbeitsgruppe Für Hernien Chirurgie – Swiss Association for Hernia Surgery
Members: 76
Dr. med. Jan F. Kukleta, Dr. med. Walter Brunner, Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Dietz, Dr. med. Jonathan Douissard, Dr. med. Michaela Ramser, Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Kirchhoff, PD Dr. med. Henry Hoffmann, Dr. med. Andrea Donadini, Dr. med. Christian Helbling, Dr. med. Diego de Lorenzi
The Swiss Association for Hernia Surgery is a society for interested and dedicated hernia surgeons.
Main Goal is a better treatment of our patients with:
The Swiss Association for Hernia Surgery is part of an international network.
Swiss Hernia Days Oct 2023, Swiss College of Surgeons 2023 SAHC Hernia slot, SCS 2024 SAHC Hernia slot as an expert group, SHD Oct 2024
Participation in international Hernia events, local /regional Symposiums organized by SAHC members, Rebuilding /reshaping SAHC for the future
Türk Fıtık Derneği – Turkish Hernia Society
Members: 140
Dr. Hakan Gök – fitikdernegi@gmail.com
To follow and learn all advancements in abdominal wall pathologies and to enhance solidarity and knowledge exchange among colleagues, aiming to establish a high surgical standard in hernia surgery nationwide.
Ukranian Hernia Society
Members: 460
Our main activities:
c/o CAP Partner
Nordre Fasanvej 113, 1.
2000 Frederiksberg
T: +45 70 20 03 05
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