The Hernia Family Book – Eva Deerenberg from The Netherlands

Interview with Eva Deerenberg from The Netherlands...
The Hernia Family Book: Eva Deerenberg

What’s your name and age?
Eva Deerenberg, 42 years.

Where do you come from?
The Netherlands.

How long have you been an EHS member?
Since 2010

Describe a day at work as a surgeon in your country:
Hernia surgery is not a subspecialty in the Netherlands. My practice is a combination of general, colorectal and AWR surgery.

What is your favourite AWR procedure/hernia surgery?

Robotic TAPP and open TAR

Laparoscopic right colectomy with intracorporeal anastomosis

Who inspired you to become a hernia enthusiast/surgeon?

During research years, Professor Lange from Erasmus MC got me interested in hernia surgery. But during fellowship with Todd Heniford and Vedra Augenstein I really fell in love with complex AWR!

Please, give a small tip or trick to share for this or any other hernia procedure?

Always save the hernia sac, you can often use it to exclude the mesh from the intraperitoneal space.

Have you attended an EHS congress, meeting, or course?
Yes, many! At the EHS conferences it’s nice to catch up with hernia friends and get inspired for research and collaborations. The EHS cadaver courses are a fantastic source for technical skills and tips & tricks.

Which made the biggest impression you?
Doing the FEBS-AWS exam in Manchester. Really nice to see all these hernia enthusiasts together as participants and examiners.

How can the EHS help you in the future?
I really appreciate the guidelines and patient information that is provided by the EHS. The cadaver courses are fantastic too.

What is your dream for the future of hernia surgery?
That hernia surgery is (world-wide) recognized and valued as a subspecialty and gets the attention and funding it deserves.


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