
Dr. Maarten Simons

1. What made you choose abdominal wall surgery?

AWS has the potential to greatly improve the quality of life of patients with an Abdominal Wall Hernia for a longtime, potentialy lifelong. I like to fix. AWS has exciting technical challenges with diverse solutions (open, laparoscopically, robot assisted) and requires excellent knowledge of Anatomy. Great surgery. Also: The hernia family is fun!

2. What are your ambitions and goals to serve the EHS Board?

As president I hope to play a role as oil in the EHS machine. We have a great team with vast experience and talent. Improving patient care by creating guidelines, educational and training activities, great publications in great Journals, quality audit initiatives like registry implementation/hernia specialists/accreditation of centers, UEMS promotion, communication via excellent Social Media/Website and great meetings in which we share science and friendships. Increasing membership across Europe respecting diversity and resources of countries that need help.

3. Where do you get your motivation and inspiration in life?

Working with talented people and building friendships around the globe are my inspiration. Without a wonderful family and many strong friendships, I would be in trouble.

4. What are the biggest challenges in the abdominal wall surgery right now?

It’s not just a Hernia! Improving quality of management amongst the many surgeons around the globe that treat Hernia’s by communicating, teaching and doing research that offers Value Based Healthcare for all.

5. What is your hidden talent?

Getting things done by Magic.


Dr. Maarten Simons

1. What made you choose abdominal wall surgery?

AWS has the potential to greatly improve the quality of life of patients with an Abdominal Wall Hernia for a longtime, potentialy lifelong. I like to fix. AWS has exciting technical challenges with diverse solutions (open, laparoscopically, robot assisted) and requires excellent knowledge of Anatomy. Great surgery. Also: The hernia family is fun!

2. What are your ambitions and goals to serve the EHS Board?

As president I hope to play a role as oil in the EHS machine. We have a great team with vast experience and talent. Improving patient care by creating guidelines, educational and training activities, great publications in great Journals, quality audit initiatives like registry implementation/hernia specialists/accreditation of centers, UEMS promotion, communication via excellent Social Media/Website and great meetings in which we share science and friendships. Increasing membership across Europe respecting diversity and resources of countries that need help.

3. Where do you get your motivation and inspiration in life?

Working with talented people and building friendships around the globe are my inspiration. Without a wonderful family and many strong friendships, I would be in trouble.

4. What are the biggest challenges in the abdominal wall surgery right now?

It’s not just a Hernia! Improving quality of management amongst the many surgeons around the globe that treat Hernia’s by communicating, teaching and doing research that offers Value Based Healthcare for all.

5. What is your hidden talent?

Getting things done by Magic.


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