UEMS AWR surgeon certification

The UEMS represents 1.6 million medical specialists from the European Union and associated countries. The organisation sets the standards for high quality medical practice and works to harmonice education and training in medical practice.


Become an UEMS certified AWR surgeon

Are you a dedicated abdominal wall surgeon (AWS) looking to showcase your expertise and demonstrate your commitment to providing the highest level of patient care? Look no further than the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) certified Abdominal Wall reconstruction (AWR) surgeon programme (FEBS AWS)!

 In 2021, the UEMS officially recognized hernia and AWR as a sub-specialty of General Surgery. This recognition, along with the hard work of Prof. Köckerling and the EHS board, has made it possible for abdominal wall enthusiasts across Europe to become UEMS certified AWR surgeons and proudly list FEBS AWS (Fellow of the European Board of Surgery, Abdominal Wall Section) as a prestigious qualification.

As an FEBS AWS, you’ll join an exclusive community of the world’s leading AWR surgeons who have undergone rigorous training and demonstrated exceptional knowledge and skills in the field. This prestigious certification is a testament to your dedication to providing the highest level of patient care and your commitment to advancing the field of AWR surgery.

Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your expertise and dedication. Check if you’re eligible for an honorary diploma or to take the examination yourself and become one of the few surgeons in the world to hold the FEBS AWS certification. Successful candidates will be awarded their diplomas at a ceremony during the annual EHS conference, marking a proud moment in their career and a symbol of their dedication to the field of AWR surgery.

Diploma by examination

EHS members are eligible for a significant discount. 

Details of the eligibility criteria, the examination syllabus and the nature of the examination can be found at this link:  https://uemssurg.org/surgicalspecialties/abdominal-wall-surgery/


In short, this examination is for surgeons who have finished their training, and have been exposed to specialist abdominal wall practice.


How should you prepare for the examination?

Being a member of the EHS is a start.  You may also: 

  • Use of the EHS Annual Travel grants to visit expert centers.
  • Use any opportunity to learn about hernia and abdominal wall surgery will help you prepare for the examination. 
  • Attend the EHS Annual Congress as often as you can in the years before you do the examination.
  • Attend your National Chapter Congress. 
  • Sign up for as many hernia-related webinars as possible – there are lots to choose from!
  • Read the journals that publish hernia-related papers.  In particular, the guidelines and guideline updates from the EHS. 
  • Explore the EHS Video library. 
  • Use the EHS endorsed Hernia Basecamp. Hernia Basacamp is an online learning platform covering the UEMS AWS syllabus. EHS provides the leading clinicians for  this project, while great technical support and help is provided by IRCAD and Medtronic.  In addition to the whole syllabus, practice questions will also be CME approved soon. To enter Hernia Basecamp, you need to register on Websurg first: https://websurg.com/en/register
  • Follow the EHS and other societies and journals on Twitter @EuroHerniaS and Facebook. Make use of Facebook groups such as IHC.

Honorary diploma

It is recognized that there are many hernia experts who have provided expert care to their patients for many years. The honors diploma is a way to recognize your experience and dedication in the reconstruction of hernias and abdominal walls.

Read the eligibility criteria here 

Future dates and locations of exams

Examinations are so far usually arranged in connection with the annual EHS Congresses

Find the dates of future congresses here

UEMS AWS Diploma Examination fees

  Examination*   Exam Resit
EHS members 425 € 275 €
EHS members from eastern European countries**                                       300 € 150 €
Standard examination fee                                                                                 600 € 450 €
* The cost includes a 150 euro fee for assessment of eligibility paid at the time of application (same for everyone) and a 275 €, 150 €, or 450 € fee for the actual examination.
** List of countries eligible for reduced examination fees: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine. 
Honorary UEMS AWS Diploma    
EHS members for five years or more                    2.000 €  
EHS members for less than five years                                        2.500 €  
Non-EHS members                                          2.500 €  


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