The aim of the European Hernia Society (EHS) Gender Equality Plan is to achieve a good gender balance in the society as well as in EHS courses and congresses.
The EHS is run by a Board of 13 members, who are not paid for their activities. And while a secretariat and other providers are funded on an as required basis, the European Hernia Society currently does not directly employ any person, and thus does not have a human resource department. Nevertheless, the Board is very cognisant of the need for Gender Equality as laid down in its Bylaw 13.6 (b).
The EHS Board will ensure that all courses and conferences organised directly or endorsed by the EHS have a gender equity plan in place. The organising and scientific committees have to show how they have addressed this issue to the board of the EHS when applying for the endorsement and do everything they can to avoid a single gender panel, course attendees, delegates and so on. As surgery is by tradition a male predominant field, female surgeons, trainees and PhD candidates are always encouraged to join the activities of the EHS although at present, a minimum quota has not been set. This remains under review and will be revised as necessary.
The EHS takes several important factors into consideration as detailed below. In addition, the gender variation in responding to adverts for positions of responsibility or promotion is acknowledged.
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