Hernia Hashtags

The EHS actively present on Twitter since 2016. We’d like to introduce you to what we have been doing by utilizing HashTags (#) on Twitter.

Dear #HerniaFriends

The EHS actively present on Twitter since 2016. We’d like to introduce you to what we have been doing by utilizing HashTags (#) on Twitter.

One capability of Twitter is unique compared to the rest: HashTags enable users to filter and access previously stacked information easily. They connect posts of a specific topic under an ’umbrella’ designated by a name such as #HerniaSurgery. They are somewhat the equivalent of keywords in scientific articles.

By utilising existing HashTags and creating new ones as needed, we have established a ‘HashTag Library on Hernia’ which enables our followers to easily reach and share any specific information they may be looking for. We call it ‘Herniapedia’.


#HerniaSurgery The original Hernia HashTag!
#AWSurgery Abdominal Wall Surgery
#HerniaNews Hernia news items.
#HerniaResearch Posts related to hernia researches.
#HerniaPrevention Related to tweets on hernia prevention, ideas, techniques.
#HerniaSocietyUncovered An initiative of the EHS to signpost every National Hernia Society in the world.
#HerniaVideo Tags posts with a ‘hernia’ video.
#HerniaRegistry Posts regard to hernia registiries.
#HerniaContentHere Labeling hashtag for tagging a hernia content.
#Herniapedia A play on Wikipedia for hernias!
#MustReadHerniaTrials An initiative of the EHS to signpost important publications relating to hernia.
#HerniaPoll Posts utilising a poll of twitter users.
#HerniaTrip Posts involving travel on hernia related activities.
#HerniaChat Posts signposting online chat – abdominal wall closure and hernia prevention two topics covered to date.
#HerniaPodcast Posts signposting digital sound recordings on hernia content.
#HerniaFact Posts emphasize hernia facts.
#Herniamed Posts regard to German Hernia Registry.
#HerniaAnatomy Posts regard to hernia anatomy.
#cvMPO Critical view of the myopectineal orifice.
#CPIP Posts related to chronic post-operative inguinal pain.
#HerniaMesh Posts related to mesh.
#MeshInfection Posts related to mesh infection.
About EHS
#EuroHerniaSnews News from the European Hernia Society.
#EHSnewsletter The bulletin of the European Hernia Society.
#EHSmsc EHS Member’s Speakers’ Corner – A private Facebook group for EHS members only!
#EHSjClub Monthly EHS journal club HashTag!
#EHSlearnight EHS educational webinar series.
#EHSregistry Posts signposting and relating to the EHS Registry.
#JoAWS EHS’s own Journal of Abdominal Wall Surgery.
#HerniaPatientSupportGroup A private Facebook group for people with hernia run by the EHS.
IamEHS The slogan used by EHS members.
WeareEHS The slogan used by EHS members.
Type of Hernia
#GroinHernia Posts that are associated with specific hernias – the clue is in the name!
#InguinalHernia Post relating to inguinal hernia.
#FemoralHernia Post relating to femoral hernia.
#ObturatorHernia Post relating to obturator hernia.
#ScrotalHernia Post relating to inguinal hernia extending scrotum.
#UmbilicalHernia Post relating to umbilical hernia.
#EpigastricHernia Post relating to epigastric hernia.
#SpigelianHernia Post relating to Spigelian hernia.
#IncisionalHernia Post relating to incisional hernia.
#ParastomalHernia Post relating to parastomal hernia.
#LumbarHernia Post relating to lumbar hernia.
#FlankHernia Post relating to flank hernia.
#HiatalHernia Post relating to hiatal hernia.
#PerinealHernia Post relating to perineal hernia.
#TrocarSiteHernia Post relating to trocar site hernia.
#SubxiphoidHernia Post relating to subxiphoid hernia.
#SubcostalHernia Post relating to subcostal hernia.
#SuprapubicHernia Post relating to suprapubic hernia.
#ParaesophagealHernia Post relating to paraesophageal hernia.
#MorgagniHernia Post relating to Morgagni hernia.
#BochdalekHernia Post relating to Bochdalek hernia.
#ToracoabdominalHernia Post relating to toracoabdominal hernia.
#DiastasisRecti Post relating to diastasis of the recti.
#GiantHernia Post relating to ‘giant’ hernia.
#OpenAbdomen Post relating to open abdomen.
#OAT Post relating to open abdomen treatment.
#Laparostoma Post relating to open abdomen.
Hernia techniques
#TAPP Posts that are associated with a specific technique – again the clue is in the name!
#TEP Posts that are associated with total extraperitoneal surgery.
#rTAPP Posts that are associated with robotic transabdominal pre-peritoneal surgery.
#eTEP Posts that are associated with enhanced view total extra-peritoneal surgery.
#TARUP Posts that are associated with transabdominal retrorectus umbilical prosthetics.
#AWR Posts that were more generic covering a number of surgical techniques in abdominal wall recosntruction.
#cAWR Posts that were more generic covering a number of surgical techniques in complex abdominal wall recosntruction.
#VHR Posts that were more generic covering a number of surgical techniques in primary ventral hernia repair.
#IPOM Posts that are associated with the IPOM technique.
#IPOMplus Posts that are associated with the IPOM plus technique.
#LIRA Poats that are assocaited with laparoscopic intracorporeal rectus aponeuroplasty technique.
#TAPE Poats that are assocaited with transabdominal partially extraperitoneal repair technique.
#RoboTAR Posts that are associated with robotic TAR surgery.
#RAWS Posts that are associated with robotic abdominal wall surgery.
#RivesStoppa Posts that are associated with the retro-rectus technique.
#SmallBitesTechnique Describing abdominal wall incision closure technique.
Hernia Event
#HerniaEvent Post signposting any hernia event including conferences, training sessions.
#HerniaCongress Posts signposing hernia congresses.
#HerniaConference Posts signposing hernia conferences.
#HerniaSymposium Posts signposting hernia symposiums.
#HerniaCourse Posts signposting hernia training events.
#OperationHernia Posts signposting this charities work and also posts from those taking part in hernia missions.
#HerniaHelp Posts signposting this charities work and also posts from those taking part in hernia missions.
#HerniaU  Posts signposting Hernia U events, an initiaitive of BD Bard with EHS endorsement.
#YourHernia Posts signposting educational videos in 8 languages for people with a hernia.
#HerniaBasecamp Online hernia education initiative of Medtronic with EHS endorsement.
#HerniaWebinar Posts signposing online hernia events.
#HerniaLearnLive Posts signposting virtual hernia events.
#HerniaGuidelines Posts that reference hernia related guidelines.
#IntGroinHerniaGuidelines Posts that reference the HerniaSurge guidelines including sepcific recommendations.
#UmbEpiHerniaGuidelines Posts that reference the EHS primary ventral hernia guidelines including specific recommendations.
#DiastasisRectiGuidelines Posts that reference the EHS diastasis recti guidelines.
#ScrotalHerniaGuidelines Posts that reference the EHS scrotal hernia guidelines.
#HerniaClassification Post that reference hernia classifications.
#HerniaFriends Posts that were more about the hernia surgeon community.
#HerniaFamily Posts that about community of people interested in hernia surgery
#HerniaMaster Posts that are more about people with a hernia interest.
#HerniaLegend Posts that are more about people with a hernia interest.
#HerniaGiant Posts that are more about people with a hernia interest.
#HerniaHero Posts that are more about people who taking part in hernia missions.
#herniaSHEroes Posts that are more about woman surgeons who is busy with hernia surgery.
#HerniaLatina Posts that are more about people from Latin America who interests hernia surgery.
#Herniologist Posts that are more about people with a hernia interest.
Mesh Problems
#MeshAwareness The remaining Hashtags in this section have largely been coined by anti-mesh groups.
#PelvicMesh Post related to anti-mesh use in gynaecological surgery.
#SlingTheMesh Posts related to anti-mesh campaign.
#SayNoToMesh Posts related to anti-mesh campaign.
#MeshCampaign Posts related to anti-mesh campaign.
#ItsNotJUSTaHernia Posts related to surgical specialisation.
#SayNoToPlugs Posts related to stop plug use in hernia surgery.
#StopTheBulge Initiative launched by the Americas Hernia Society (AHS) at their 2019 Annual Meeting.
#LetsMakeHerniaGreatAgain Posts related to promoting quality hernia surgery by those with an interest in hernia surgery.


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