BJS Institute Writing in Surgery Course September 2024 – BJS Academy

BJS Institute Writing in Surgery Course September 2024 – BJS Academy

As part of our strategic partnership with the BJS, BJS has agreed to financially support a nominee from EHS to participate in the Writing in Surgery course. The course is a 10 week / 100 hours online taught course commencing in September 2024 which when completed will award 10 credits. The course is designed to enable the student to construct a surgical paper and understand the fundamentals of publishing a surgical article. 

Application closes on Monday 22 April 2024


  • Available to commit to a minimum of 10 hours per week to learning and assessment from 9th September 2024 until 29th November 2024.
  • Possess an accredited medical degree (MBChB or equivalent).
  • Demonstrate a level of English language competency in line with University of Edinburgh language requirements that will enable you to succeed in your studies, please note if English is not your first language you may be required to sit an English Language test.
  • Application must be started no later than Friday 10th May, failure to do so will result in losing your place in the September course.
  • Only EHS members can apply for this opportunity! 


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