EHS Hashtags

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Common # used by the EHS for use in abodominal wall surgery/hernia knowledge sharing on social media: 






The original Hernia HashTag!


Abdominal Wall Surgery


Hernia news items.


Posts related to hernia researches.


Related to tweets on hernia prevention, ideas, techniques.


An initiative of the EHS to signpost every National Hernia Society in the world.


Tags posts with a ‘hernia’ video.


Posts regard to hernia registiries.


Labeling hashtag for tagging a hernia content.


A play on Wikipedia for hernias!


initiative of the EHS to signpost important publications relating to hernia.


Posts utilising a poll of twitter users.


Posts involving travel on hernia related activities.


Posts signposting online chat – abdominal wall closure and hernia prevention two
topics covered to date.


Posts signposting digital sound recordings on hernia content.


emphasize hernia facts.


Posts regard to German Hernia Registry.


Posts regard to hernia anatomy.


Critical view of the myopectineal orifice.


Posts related to chronic post-operative inguinal pain.


Posts related to mesh.


Posts related to mesh infection.


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