The Hernia Family Book

Interview with Frederik Helgstrand from Denmark...

Name: Frederik Helgstrand

Age: 48 years old

Where do you come from? Denmark

For how long have you been an EHS member?: 
For approximately eight years

Please describe a day at work as surgeon in your country:

As the head of upper GI surgery and abdominal wall surgery team I typically start my day with OR planning with the team. Most days I do complex hernias, either open or robotic – depending on the case planned. Other days I have administrative obligations or research work to do.

What is your favourite AWR procedure/ hernia surgery?
I have grown very fond of the robotic TAR procedure.

Why is it your favourite procedure?
Because I have seen how big a difference it makes for the patients. However, the collaboration with plastic surgeons and colorectal surgeons in open very complex cases is also very satisfying.

Who inspired you to become a hernia enthusiast/ surgeon? 
I have several surgical idols who inspired me. The first one was actually Henrik Kehlet, the Godfather of the Danish Hernia Database. Later also Jacob Rosenberg and Thue Bisgaard, who inspired my research in this area. I still remember 2007, when I participated in the AHS meeting and saw videos performed by Tod Heniford. This was really a game changer in my choice of speciality. Today, I am totally inspired by my team and upcoming young colleagues who push me to do better everyday.

Please, give a small tip or trick to share for this or any other hernia procedure?
Never be too proud to ask for help!

Have you attended an EHS congress, meeting, or course?
Yes, I have attended EHS congresses yearly since EHS in Berlin in 2006.

How can the EHS help you in the future?
Continue the work connecting hernia enthusiasts around the world.

What is your dream for your future in hernia surgery?
My dream is that hernia patients will be one of the most highly prioritised surgical patient groups.



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