Name: Pavlo Kozenko
Age: 33 years old
Where do you come from? Ukraine
For how long have you been an EHS member?:
5 years.
I work in a District General Hospital in Western Ukraine. My work combines general surgical emergency and elective operations.
What is your favourite AWR procedure/ hernia surgery?
Lichtenstein because it is the procedure that I understand very well and can replicate reliably. Also, the eTEP procedures because they offer much flexibility in dealing with various abdominal wall defects and benefit the patients.
Who inspired you to become a hernia enthusiast/ surgeon?
My teacher and mentor Orest Lerchuk who is a prominent hernia surgeon from Ukraine.
Please, give a small tip or trick to share for this or any other hernia procedure?
In Lichtenstein repair, the classical way to cut the mesh to fit the spermatic cord is longitudinally, but, alternatively, you can also cut it transversely if this better fits the anatomy.
Have you attended an EHS congress, meeting, or course?
I attended EHS a conference in Lviv and a congress in Hamburg. It has been an excellent experience and I am looking forward to new meetings.
If yes, which made the biggest impression on you?
The EHS conference in Lviv, Ukraine, in 2018.
What made it great?
It turned out be a major success because the participants enjoyed themselves in Lviv
How can the EHS help you in the future?
EHS does a lot of great work in supporting young surgeons and we need to continue on this front.
What is your dream for your future in hernia surgery?
I would like to become a versatile hernia surgeon who can deal with a range of abdominal wall defects employing various tools, including open, laparoscopic and, robotic techniques because I think that each of these tools has its own application.