UEMS exam and honorary FEBS AWS

Once again, the EHS and the UEMS will organise a EBSQ Examination in Abdominal Wall Surgery during the EHS 2024 Congress. Don’t miss this opportunity to become Fellow of the European Board of Surgery in Abdominal Wall Surgery (FEBS-AWS). The places are limited!...

Dear members of the EHS, 

The application for the next EBSQ Examination in Abdominal Wall Surgery in Prague , May 28, 2024 is now open. It is the day before the start of the Annual Meeting of the European Hernia Society. The necessary informations can be found under 


Application deadline is March 16, 2024. All candidates must apply through the QuizOne dedicated web-platform. All documents must be uploaded on the QuizOne platform. Please also ensure that you pay the registration fee before the deadline. Payment of the examination fee can be made after the deadline, within two weeks of notification of eligibility. Places are limited to 24. Applicants should not wait until the last minute. We kindly encourage applicants to submit their documents and payment as early as possible.

With best wishes


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