Hernia Patient Support Group Live Chat
#HerniaPatientSupportGroup Live Chat on Facebook!
The topic ‘Robotics in Hernia Surgery’
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#HerniaPatientSupportGroup Live Chat on Facebook!
The topic ‘Robotics in Hernia Surgery’
REGISTER here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82584128490?pwd=Sm1vR0V4SVdaT1AvL0d4Wnl2eG1VUT09
Just offered @AmericanHernia president archana ramaswamy and incoming president flavio malcher Dutch tulips on behalf of the @eurohernias thanking them for the kind invitation to come to the meeting in Chicago! Science and friendship! presidents against the wall. #herniafriends
#herniaSHEroes #HerniaFriends
A pleasure to attend the American Hernia Society representing:
– my group – explaining the advantages of the #LIRA technique
– and @eurohernias – explaining the joint project with the UEMS about the accreditation of hernia centers
Thank @flavio_malcher – great Congress!
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