Between 4-8 December 2023, within the scope of EHS Travel Grant 2023, I worked under the supervision of Dr. Wolfgang Reinpold in Hamburger Hernia Centrum, Hamburg, Germany.
I performed MILOS, E-MILOS, TAPP, open and laparoscopic hernia operations. I had the opportunity to closely observe the latest developments in the field of hernia surgery in a clinic that is considered a reference center in this area. I think it made a great contribution to my theoretical and practical training.
We had literature discussions. We made plans for multicenter studies in the future. Working with an author who described the MILOS technique to the world of medical literature was a privilege.
I want to thank the European Hernia Society for giving me this opportunity. I plan to apply the MILOS technique in my clinic and my country transfer it to my young colleagues and make it widespread.
Fatih Yanar